All the king’s horses and all the king’s men What was your most prized purchase once you started earning? Well I can tell you that amongst young naval officers it was a vehicle – which in our case in the late 1980s was a ‘two wheeler’. Aah the freedom that…
Tag: Scooter
India moves up in “Ease of doing Business” index. What!!!
You know how kids at some point in time start hankering for a dog? And the parents will be promised the earth in lieu? “Yes, I will feed the dog, take it for walks, give it a bath, etc etc”. Sure enough, these promises are forgotten after a week. No…
Why must eyes always be on the Road?
What is the first thing you are told when you learn driving? Keep your eyes on the road – always. Here is a story that acutely emphasizes this point. Remember the days, pre-liberalization, when the Bajaj scooter was a most prized possession? Well, my to be father in law had…