One striking aspect about the fine citizens of our country is our total disregard for queues. After putting deep thought into it, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is so because, we being true believers in God, give considerable credence to the adage ‘God helps those who help themselves’….
Life is difficult. Not as much as Resurrection though
One of the favourite questions that judges put up to beauty contestants is, “who do you admire the most and why.” Now most contestants having been well trained by their respective mentors answer this question correctly. Correctly because they, like everyone else, knows that there are only two sure shot…
India moves up in “Ease of doing Business” index. What!!!
You know how kids at some point in time start hankering for a dog? And the parents will be promised the earth in lieu? “Yes, I will feed the dog, take it for walks, give it a bath, etc etc”. Sure enough, these promises are forgotten after a week. No…
How to gain recognition? Just inaugurate something
Heard about daredevil Naveen Kumar? Apparently, he got up one fine day and said to himself – ‘ah what the heck, let me spice up my life by cracking some walnuts’. MY chosen way would be to crack open a bottle of Old Monk if my life needed spice, but…
Driving to Despair!
The Wife, amongst her many sterling qualities, is a total expert on the roads of Hyderabad; one who knows the ‘gali gali nooka nooka’ of the city. So, when in Hyderabad, I am content to drive under her directions. When she says ‘turn right’, that is precisely what I do….
Want to get bamboozled? Dial a helpline
Am sure we all have at some point in time, tried calling a ‘helpline’. It usually starts with press 1 for English, press 2 for Hindi…….. So, being proud of our national language, we middle class Indians obviously press 1. Another ten minutes of pressing this and pressing that ultimately…
Aah Parents! Always in a different world
Recently, not lacking in filial piety, I had bought a shirt for my father. Now any decent shirt in today’s times costs about Rs 2500 or so onwards and a decent shirt is what I went with. The same was presented to my father with great fanfare. Father looked at…