If one is looking for logic, the Armed Forces is not the place to seek it. Take for example, the system of privileges that seniority bestows. Within the Squadrons (hostels) at the National Defence Academy (NDA), there are marked (some would say silly) differences in how one dresses, even in…
Category: Humour in Uniform
Nausea, Vertigo, Vomiting; Ergo Seasickness
The human ear is a wonderful organ. It allows us to enjoy – music,the lulling sounds of waves and the soothing pitter patter of rain. On thedownside – ears tend to take the shape of a cauliflower when mistreated (seenwrestlers?) considerable limiting one’s sex appeal. The blasted piece ofcartilage is…
The exquisite joys, sorrows and pains of Horse Riding decoded
Training at the National Defence Academy has quite a large percentage of time devoted to the physical. This includes PT, swimming, drill, cross country, boxing, various troop games and (strangely) horse riding. One would expect, extrapolating from the movies, that horse riding is great fun –starting with hearty ‘yee haw’,…
Ah! The sights and smells of the sea – Catspaw
Captain William Bligh of The HMS Bounty (Anthony Hopkins) was relieved of Command by mutineers (led by Mel Gibson) and cast away in the middle of the sea in a boat along with a few loyal sailors. The Captain thereafter, displayed tremendous leadership qualities, excellent knowledge of seamanship and dogged…
Which is the best time-pass tool? Why, WhatsApp of course!
All sources of media, print, TV and Arnab Goswami, spend humongous amounts of money/energy to bring you the latest news, analysis, and happenings across the globe. But you will agree with me that they all pale into insignificance when compared with, indisputably, the most reliable of them all – WhatsApp…
Where would life be without alcohol? In a life without humour!
The discerning ones amongst you would have noticed that alcohol makes rather frequent appearances in my writings (for example here, well here too, and then again here). But then that’s merely because alcohol has so many wondrous qualities that it is not feasible to cover them all in one piece….
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men What was your most prized purchase once you started earning? Well I can tell you that amongst young naval officers it was a vehicle – which in our case in the late 1980s was a ‘two wheeler’. Aah the freedom that…